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Angiology Award

The Swiss Society of Angiology presents the Angiology Award. Every year, this award recognizes outstanding scientific work by young Swiss angiologists. The President of the SGA Committee is Prof. Dr. Marc Righini, Chief Physician of Vascular Medicine at Geneva University Hospital. The Angiology Award, which is endowed with CHF 10,000, is financially supported by Sanofi.

Submit your projects!

Call for entries: Swiss Prize for Angiology 2024

Every year, the Swiss Society of Angiology offers a prize of CHF 10,000.00 for the best scientific paper that has been accepted for publication or published in a peer-reviewed journal. Swiss candidates who have carried out their work in Switzerland or abroad and foreigners who have carried out their work in Switzerland are invited to apply for this prize. In addition to the letter of application, candidates should send their curriculum vitae and publications by September 25, 2024 to Prof. Dr. med. Marc Righini, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève (HUG) 4, Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil, 1211 Genève 14 or by e-mail. The prize will be awarded at the 24th Union Meeting of the Union of Swiss Societies for Vascular Diseases from November 6 to 8, 2024 in Basel.

Congratulations to the award winners!

Angiology Award Winner 2023: Helia Robert-Ebadi

The scientific prize of the Swiss Society of Angiology was awarded at the 2023 Union Meeting in Lasanne to Dr med. Helia Robert-Ebadi for her paper «External validation of the PEGeD diagnostic algorithm for suspected pulmonary embolism in an independent cohort».


Angiology Award Winner 2022: Stefano Barco

The scientific prize of the Swiss Society of Angiology was awarded at the 2022 Union Meeting in Zurich to Dr med. habil. (I), Ph. D. Stefano Barco for the paper «Enoxaparin for primary thromboprophylaxis in symptomatic outpatients with COVID-19 (OVID): a randomized, open-label, parallel-group, multicentre, phase 3 trial».


Angiology Award Winner 2021: Jörn F. Dopheide

The scientific prize of the Swiss Society of Angiology was awarded to PD Dr med. Jörn F. Dopheide for the paper «Adherence to statin therapy favours survival of patients with symptomatic peripheral artery disease».


Angiology Award Winner 2019: Can Gökgöl

The scientific prize of the Swiss Society of Angiology was awarded at the 2019 Union Meeting in Lucerne to Dr med. Can Gökgöl for the paper «Prediction of restenosis based on hemodynamical markers in revascularized femoro-popliteal arteries during leg flexion» verliehen.


Angiology Award Winner 2018: Marc Schindewolf

The scientific prize of the Swiss Society of Angiology was awarded to PD Dr. med. Marc Schindewolf for the paper «Use of Fondaparinux Off-label or Approved Anticoagulants for Management of Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia» at the 2018 Union Meeting in Lugano.

